I continue to think CFAR is among the best places to donate re: turning money into existential risk reduction (including this year—basically because our good done seems almost linear in the number of free-to-participants programs we can run (because those can target high-impact AI stuff), and because the number of free-to-participants programs we can run is more or less linear in donations within the range in which donations might plausibly take us). If anyone wants my take on how this works, or on our last year or our upcoming year or anything like that, I’d be glad to talk: anna at rationality dot org.
I continue to think CFAR is among the best places to donate re: turning money into existential risk reduction (including this year—basically because our good done seems almost linear in the number of free-to-participants programs we can run (because those can target high-impact AI stuff), and because the number of free-to-participants programs we can run is more or less linear in donations within the range in which donations might plausibly take us). If anyone wants my take on how this works, or on our last year or our upcoming year or anything like that, I’d be glad to talk: anna at rationality dot org.