Yes, but that doesn’t mean that you can just avoid it and its consequences. Like war, you may not be interested in it, but it is interested in you. And if you can’t avoid sometimes messing up, you can at least avoid making it worse than it has to be (such as by gratuitously wearing inappropriate clothes).
They have actually just genuinely had enough with the hall of mirrors game and have declared themselves to no longer be playing.
Yes, but he’s acting like it’s a triumphant success. Voluntarily deciding “I don’t want social skills” is a surrender that seriously harms you. If you can’t get social skills perfect, at least do what you can. And he certainly can avoid wearing inappropriate suits, even if he might mess up deciding when to buy drinks.
As a political comparison, Donald Trump didn’t propose putting a “Rivera of the Middle East” in Gaza because he is politically clueless, he did so because he doesn’t care about being politically clued-in and he wants everyone to know it.
Genuinely communicating “I don’t care and I want you to know it” without communicating bad things at the same time is countersignalling. Not just anyone can countersignal. Trump can do this because he’s in a powerful position that implies a certain amount of cluefulness (and even then, his opponents are happy to jump on this sort of stuff as evidence of cluelessness).
Personal moderation decision: I’m cutting off the Trump discussion here. Any further comments will be removed, on the grounds that their political mindkillery effects trump their relevance to this discussion.
This policy applies only to this post and does not generalize to my other posts.
Voluntarily deciding “I don’t want social skills” is a surrender that seriously harms you.
citation needed. my own experience is the opposite of that. refusing to play the game let you take the role of the local nerd, and it’s not a bad role. and it’s much much better then trying to play the game and failing.
Yes, but that doesn’t mean that you can just avoid it and its consequences. Like war, you may not be interested in it, but it is interested in you. And if you can’t avoid sometimes messing up, you can at least avoid making it worse than it has to be (such as by gratuitously wearing inappropriate clothes).
Yes, but he’s acting like it’s a triumphant success. Voluntarily deciding “I don’t want social skills” is a surrender that seriously harms you. If you can’t get social skills perfect, at least do what you can. And he certainly can avoid wearing inappropriate suits, even if he might mess up deciding when to buy drinks.
Genuinely communicating “I don’t care and I want you to know it” without communicating bad things at the same time is countersignalling. Not just anyone can countersignal. Trump can do this because he’s in a powerful position that implies a certain amount of cluefulness (and even then, his opponents are happy to jump on this sort of stuff as evidence of cluelessness).
I believe that Trump is, in fact, exactly that clueless and completely unaware of how clueless he is.
Edit: For the record: my biggest reason for believing this is having read reports of what many mainstream Republicans who worked under him during his first term have said and written about what he was like.
Personal moderation decision: I’m cutting off the Trump discussion here. Any further comments will be removed, on the grounds that their political mindkillery effects trump their relevance to this discussion.
This policy applies only to this post and does not generalize to my other posts.
Pun intended? ;)
But yeah, it’s getting off-topic and there’s plenty of other places to discuss that kind of thing.
I’m glad we’re on the same page. :)
Voluntarily deciding “I don’t want social skills” is a surrender that seriously harms you.
citation needed. my own experience is the opposite of that. refusing to play the game let you take the role of the local nerd, and it’s not a bad role. and it’s much much better then trying to play the game and failing.