Instead, effectively there is a single Dial of Destiny Progress, based on the extent our civilization places restrictions, requires permissions and places strangleholds on human activity, from AI to energy to housing and beyond.
If you have that model, how do you square the fact that Marc Andreessen is a NIMBY?
I think a good model of what Marc is doing is that he positions himself as a thought leader in a way that’s benefitial for getting startups to come to him and getting LPs to give him money.
If he would argue for AI regulation that might give LPs the impression that he won’t pursue maximum profits with the AI investments that his company makes.
If you have that model, how do you square the fact that Marc Andreessen is a NIMBY?
I think a good model of what Marc is doing is that he positions himself as a thought leader in a way that’s benefitial for getting startups to come to him and getting LPs to give him money.
If he would argue for AI regulation that might give LPs the impression that he won’t pursue maximum profits with the AI investments that his company makes.