Ideas to make saving the world easier?

I covered some of the psychological difficulties one might face when saving the world. So what can we do to mitigate them.

1. Improve organisations

If we could make organisations more trustworthy and open to feedback, this might help people come together.
It seems that organisations naturally Goodheart themselves, the metric and measure tends to be cash flow based (even in charities). Could we structure a charity so they are separate? Control Markets perhaps? So there would be other feedback to charities than donations, to encourage the person in charge to change how things were run.

2. Stop trying to save the world
Instead try and understand it. Perhaps we also need to re-organise the incentive structures in research centres to be more truth tracking as well. I wonder if it would be possible to separate out the experimental design and the carrying out the experiment, so that people could be rewarded for both individually rather than for the ‘exciting result’.

Any other ideas?