The “good and interesting arguments” that I made reference to were written by the anti-Popper ‘militia’ rather than the Popperian ‘invaders’. I meant to credit the invaders only with “good links”.
Both. I particularly liked curi’s post linking to the Deutsch lecture. But, in the reference in question, here, I was being cute and saying that half the speeches in the conversation (the ones originating from this side of the aisle) contained good and interesting arguments. This is not to say that you guys have never produced good arguments, though the recent stuff—particularly from curi—hasn’t been very good. But I was in agreement with you (about a week ago) when you complained that curi’s thoughtful comments weren’t garnering the upvotes they deserved. I always appreciate it when you guys provide links to the Critical Rationalism blog and/or writings by Popper, Miller, or Deutsch. You should do that more often. Don’t just provide a bare link, but (assertion, argument, plus link to further argument) is a winning combination.
I have some sympathy with you guys for three reasons:
Which is it?
Both. I particularly liked curi’s post linking to the Deutsch lecture. But, in the reference in question, here, I was being cute and saying that half the speeches in the conversation (the ones originating from this side of the aisle) contained good and interesting arguments. This is not to say that you guys have never produced good arguments, though the recent stuff—particularly from curi—hasn’t been very good. But I was in agreement with you (about a week ago) when you complained that curi’s thoughtful comments weren’t garnering the upvotes they deserved. I always appreciate it when you guys provide links to the Critical Rationalism blog and/or writings by Popper, Miller, or Deutsch. You should do that more often. Don’t just provide a bare link, but (assertion, argument, plus link to further argument) is a winning combination.
I have some sympathy with you guys for three reasons:
I’m a big fan of Gunter Wachtershauser, and he was a friend and protege of Popper.
You guys have apparently taken over the task of keeping John Edser entertained. :)
I think you guys are pretty much right about “support”. In fact, I said something very similar recently in my blog
I haven’t spoken to John Edser since Matt killed the CR list ><
He could have just given it away, but no, he wanted to kill it...