You did not even state whether the Earman book mentions Popper. Because, I took it, you don’t know. so … wtf? that’s the best you can do?
My apologies. I would have thought it was clear that when one recommends a book one is doing so because it has material that is relevant that one is talking about. Yes, the he discusses various ideas due to Popper.
That’s ambiguous. Does he discuss Popper directly? Or, say, some of Popper’s students? Does the book have, say, more than 20 quotes of Popper, with commentary? More than 10? Any detailed, serious discuss of Popper? If it does, how do you know that having not read it? Is the discussion of Popper tainted by the common myths?
Moving the goalposts, also known as raising the bar, is an informal logically fallacious argument in which evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed and some other (often greater) evidence is demanded. In other words, after an attempt has been made to score a goal, the goalposts are moved to exclude the attempt. This attempts to leave the impression that an argument had a fair hearing while actually reaching a preordained conclusion.
Stop being a jerk. He didn’t even state whether it mentions Popper, let alone whether it does more than mention. The first thing wasn’t a goal post. You’re being super pedantic but you’re also wrong. It’s not charming.
Stop being a jerk. He didn’t even state whether it mentions Popper, let alone whether it does more than mention. The first thing wasn’t a goal post. You’re being super pedantic but you’re also wrong. It’s not charming.