Re: Aristotle. Large part of what Aristotle wrote is science and math. If you felt you didn’t learn anything from Aristotle, that’s because only non-science and non-math part of Aristotle is usually taught, because science and math are usually taught in ahistorical manner.
Barbara, Celarent, Darii, Ferio is good math. It is just that first-order logic and Venn diagrams are better, so we don’t teach Barbara etc. One thing lost by this ahistorical teaching is how much better first-order logic is, and how difficult advance it was when it was first done by Frege.
Re: Aristotle. Large part of what Aristotle wrote is science and math. If you felt you didn’t learn anything from Aristotle, that’s because only non-science and non-math part of Aristotle is usually taught, because science and math are usually taught in ahistorical manner.
Barbara, Celarent, Darii, Ferio is good math. It is just that first-order logic and Venn diagrams are better, so we don’t teach Barbara etc. One thing lost by this ahistorical teaching is how much better first-order logic is, and how difficult advance it was when it was first done by Frege.
And actually Barbara, Celarent, Darii, Ferio contain hints of phenomena not completely captured in first-order logic!