Rational Manifesto
About one month ago, I saw an Agile Manifesto. It inspired me to create my own one because you know, manifests seem to be popular. So, for the 1st of April, I created Rational Manifesto:
Manifests are full of obvious things. This is one of them.
The previous item was a recursive joke.
Before using some advice from the manifest, you should check that this advice works.
Previous advice should be checked too.
If manifest contains a thing that seems to be true, that doesn’t say anything about others.
If you found something wrong in the manifest—this manifest is useless.
The previous item is an example of the wrong one.
Every manifest tries to become a cult.
If you hadn’t understood previous items—you have a chance to join the cult.
Add one cultist point for every item you don’t understand. Including this one.
This manifest was signed by Eliezer Yudkowsky, Donald Knuth, Linus Tovalds and Daniel Kahneman.
If it makes it more valuable for you—add another two cultist points.
Answering to your question: No, they haven’t signed it yet.
Add another two points.
If you often try to explain something from the end.
If you think that all items in this manifest are obvious—another 5 points.
This manifest is excellent and will save the world.
Another 2 points if you believed it.
If you weren’t counting your points—add 3 more.
If you finished with a positive number of cultist points—think of it.
And yep, then I tried to pass this manifest by myself, after a week since I’ve created it—my score was positive.
Some of those items should be indented more, to indicate that they’re sub-bullets, so they’re easier to read.
_Coincidentally, I also come across that Manifesto today.
_Then quickly search on LW for any reference.
_The action above trigger an alert for me: should it be considered as “adding one cultish point”???
_”I know I should not regard LW as 100%-certified truth, but Eliezer sounds rational...”
Anyway, nice post.