“Narns, Humans, Centauri… we all do what we do for the same reason: because it seems like a good idea at the time.”—G’Kar
We are doing our best. Often our best turns out to be irrational or not what we really wanted to do. How to handle it? I think this problem is adequately dissolved by one of Yvain’s posts, as previously mentioned by Vladimir Nesov. And that you can only do your best is self-evident, even in deliberately trying to do your worst.
That reminds of a quote from Babylon 5:
We are doing our best. Often our best turns out to be irrational or not what we really wanted to do. How to handle it? I think this problem is adequately dissolved by one of Yvain’s posts, as previously mentioned by Vladimir Nesov. And that you can only do your best is self-evident, even in deliberately trying to do your worst.
Approximate quote from Being Wrong: “How does being wrong feel? Exactly like being right.”
I think this is a slight exaggeration—sometimes I can feel it when I haven’t been thinking clearly. This doesn’t necessarily stop me, though.
Do you ever have the feeling you haven’t been thinking clearly when you’re right?