This definition of gain of function is about gaining very specific functions of pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range. It does not include a function like a bacteria getting the capability to produce insulin.
When it comes to AI research, the corresponding approach would be to think about which function we consider to be dangerous to develop. You likely don’t want DeepMind’s Gato to have finding zero-day exploits as one of his training tasks.
It might be worth thinking about which tasks for Gato might be analogous to the functions we mean when we speak about gain-of-function research in biology.
This definition of gain of function is about gaining very specific functions of pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range. It does not include a function like a bacteria getting the capability to produce insulin.
When it comes to AI research, the corresponding approach would be to think about which function we consider to be dangerous to develop. You likely don’t want DeepMind’s Gato to have finding zero-day exploits as one of his training tasks.
It might be worth thinking about which tasks for Gato might be analogous to the functions we mean when we speak about gain-of-function research in biology.