Rather than trying to find or make a charity that can handle this influx of cash, why not put it in a fund, and the interest from the fund goes to charity? This would start off as a tiny fraction of the money flood and be easier to find charities that could use it effectively, it would grow ever more formidable but give charities time to scale, and would still be available if craigslist stopped being popular.
Rather than trying to find or make a charity that can handle this influx of cash, why not put it in a fund, and the interest from the fund goes to charity? This would start off as a tiny fraction of the money flood and be easier to find charities that could use it effectively, it would grow ever more formidable but give charities time to scale, and would still be available if craigslist stopped being popular.
Call it the “Craigslist Charity Fund” and enable people who label themselves Craigslist users to get fuzzies from the affiliation.