Can you give a few examples (in-context on HN or Stack Exchange) of subtextual impoliteness that you wish were enforceable?
Here are a two: 1, 2. /r/poker is also littered with it. Example.
I’m failing to easily find examples on Stack Exchange but I definitely know I’ve come across a bunch. Some that I’ve flagged. I tried looking for a way to see a list of comments you’ve flagged, but I wasn’t able to figure it out.
Thanks—yeah, those seem mild enough that I doubt there’s any possible mechanism to eliminate the snarky/rude/annoying parts, at least in a group much larger than Dunbar’s number with no additional social filtering (like in-person requirements for at least some interactions, or non-anonymous invite/expulsion mechanisms).
Here are a two: 1, 2. /r/poker is also littered with it. Example.
I’m failing to easily find examples on Stack Exchange but I definitely know I’ve come across a bunch. Some that I’ve flagged. I tried looking for a way to see a list of comments you’ve flagged, but I wasn’t able to figure it out.
Thanks—yeah, those seem mild enough that I doubt there’s any possible mechanism to eliminate the snarky/rude/annoying parts, at least in a group much larger than Dunbar’s number with no additional social filtering (like in-person requirements for at least some interactions, or non-anonymous invite/expulsion mechanisms).