I found that with all of those I could make out at least some, and in some cases all, of the words in the sine-wave versions without the “priming” original recording. The very first example on that page was pretty much perfectly clear to me on the first listening; others were more work.
Then, for the ones where I hadn’t been able to make out all the words in the sine-wave version, I listened to the “primer” and tried again with the sine waves. In each case, I found that I could then recognize the words I’d found unclear before, but I wouldn’t say they were “clear as day” or anything like; more like “well, OK, I suppose it could be interpreted that way”.
The effect of priming, for me, therefore appears to be very small.
I tried the first pair on my wife, and her response appears to be the canonical one. Obviously I’m just strange. Anyone else have the same experience as me?
Do you own the Aphex Twin album “The Richard D James Album”? Because they all made perfect sense to me at first listen, and immediately reminded me of the brief speech interludes on that album.
I found that with all of those I could make out at least some, and in some cases all, of the words in the sine-wave versions without the “priming” original recording. The very first example on that page was pretty much perfectly clear to me on the first listening; others were more work.
Then, for the ones where I hadn’t been able to make out all the words in the sine-wave version, I listened to the “primer” and tried again with the sine waves. In each case, I found that I could then recognize the words I’d found unclear before, but I wouldn’t say they were “clear as day” or anything like; more like “well, OK, I suppose it could be interpreted that way”.
The effect of priming, for me, therefore appears to be very small.
I tried the first pair on my wife, and her response appears to be the canonical one. Obviously I’m just strange. Anyone else have the same experience as me?
Do you own the Aphex Twin album “The Richard D James Album”? Because they all made perfect sense to me at first listen, and immediately reminded me of the brief speech interludes on that album.
No, and I’ve never knowingly heard anything by Aphex Twin.