I can’t find the link because of censorship on my work computer, but there was a description of orgasm-induced transient global amnesia that made the rounds recently.
That’s an odd phenomenon, but I don’t think that it, specifically, is especially relevant to quantum mechanics’ relevance to consciousness. The chief problem with the proposals that quantum mechanics is directly involved in consciousness is that they constitute mysterious answers to a mysterious question.
I can’t find the link because of censorship on my work computer, but there was a description of orgasm-induced transient global amnesia that made the rounds recently.
Google: orgasm transient global amnesia
That’s an odd phenomenon, but I don’t think that it, specifically, is especially relevant to quantum mechanics’ relevance to consciousness. The chief problem with the proposals that quantum mechanics is directly involved in consciousness is that they constitute mysterious answers to a mysterious question.
The only reference on google related to “transient global amnesia” and quantum is this thread (third link down).
This is the story in the news. Some may prefer the paper itself.