On the one hand “close enough” is adequate for horseshoes, but probably not good enough for THE FATE OF THE UNIVERSE (grabs algebra nerd by lapels and shakes vigorously)
On the other hand, supergeniuses like Ben Goertzel have suggested that a takeoff might follow a “semi-hard” trajectory. While others have suggested “firm takeoff” (Voss), and even “tumescent takeoff”
Like most of humanity, I’ll start getting concerned when the computers finally beat us in chess. (...off camera whispering)
On a more serious note, the superhuman AI that polices this site just had a most unwelcome message for me: You are trying to eject messages too fast. Rehydrate and try again in 3 minutes. The machines! …they’re takin’ over! They’re already layin’ down the law!
On the one hand “close enough” is adequate for horseshoes, but probably not good enough for THE FATE OF THE UNIVERSE (grabs algebra nerd by lapels and shakes vigorously)
On the other hand, supergeniuses like Ben Goertzel have suggested that a takeoff might follow a “semi-hard” trajectory. While others have suggested “firm takeoff” (Voss), and even “tumescent takeoff”
Like most of humanity, I’ll start getting concerned when the computers finally beat us in chess. (...off camera whispering)
On a more serious note, the superhuman AI that polices this site just had a most unwelcome message for me: You are trying to eject messages too fast. Rehydrate and try again in 3 minutes. The machines! …they’re takin’ over! They’re already layin’ down the law!