What evidence would get you to revise your thought that evolution via natural selection would work in such short time frames? (OK, now what about updating your evidence about starvation levels in the 1920s? Until 1929, almost no-one would have been starving, full employment was normal.)
If servants who do stupid things starve, the only surviving servants will be the ones who don’t do stupid things. This does not involve evolution; the servants are not passing the information down to another generation. It does however involve natural selection.
And there’s no point in “updating evidence”, unless you have some evidence that deals specifically with the case of lower class people who work as servants and routinely piss off their employers. Whether people in general starved is irrelevant.
What evidence would get you to revise your thought that evolution via natural selection would work in such short time frames? (OK, now what about updating your evidence about starvation levels in the 1920s? Until 1929, almost no-one would have been starving, full employment was normal.)
I didn’t use the word “evolution”.
If servants who do stupid things starve, the only surviving servants will be the ones who don’t do stupid things. This does not involve evolution; the servants are not passing the information down to another generation. It does however involve natural selection.
And there’s no point in “updating evidence”, unless you have some evidence that deals specifically with the case of lower class people who work as servants and routinely piss off their employers. Whether people in general starved is irrelevant.