Knights of Sidonia is a 13 episode (so far) series about space pilots in the far future who defend their generation ship from alien attacks. I really enjoyed the dark atmosphere (huge image) and the show-not-tell world-building. Sidonia, while probably not as strange as it really would be (some aspects are a bit contemporary-Japan-in-space), still feels like a different enough place to be interesting. The pure-CGI graphics worked well for me, though some people find the CGI characters a bit offputting. The action was also quite exciting at times. The only major weakness I felt is that the main character is rather bland, though by the end he’s slowly improving, which brings hope for him in the upcoming sequel.
There is an English-dubbed version available on Netflix for those who have access.
Aldnoah Zero is shaping up to be a Code Geass-alike, although the timescales for the alternative history are implausible enough to jolt one out of suspending disbelief occasionally.
TV and Movies (Animation) Thread
Knights of Sidonia is a 13 episode (so far) series about space pilots in the far future who defend their generation ship from alien attacks. I really enjoyed the dark atmosphere (huge image) and the show-not-tell world-building. Sidonia, while probably not as strange as it really would be (some aspects are a bit contemporary-Japan-in-space), still feels like a different enough place to be interesting. The pure-CGI graphics worked well for me, though some people find the CGI characters a bit offputting. The action was also quite exciting at times. The only major weakness I felt is that the main character is rather bland, though by the end he’s slowly improving, which brings hope for him in the upcoming sequel.
There is an English-dubbed version available on Netflix for those who have access.
Anime from the current season:
Terror in Resonance is a kind of reverse Death Note without the magic
Aldnoah Zero is shaping up to be a Code Geass-alike, although the timescales for the alternative history are implausible enough to jolt one out of suspending disbelief occasionally.
I really like the style and direction of this show, but the actual plot is pretty generic so far.
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (I found it relatively interesting and the harem antics not as bad as expected; Spice and Wolf is still better, though)