Spite strategies function collectively but are encoded in individual adaptations, e.g. green beard effect. While green beard behavior aren’t well-optimized on an individual basis, the teleology points at a collective strategy, i.e. you compress it better by assuming the gene is selfish than assuming the individuals are.
With FAI there’s an issue of incorporating many different values. My intuition is that if we are choosing one or the other, we should encode selfish-individual values and not selfish-gene values. One reason for this is that selfish-gene values are more likely to be “mean” on a way that makes them irreconcilable.
Now that I’ve looked at the Sarah Constantin link:
I’ve updated that spite strategies are more plausible than I’d thought.
It seems there’s evidence that spite strategies also happen between individuals, though I didn’t look at the actual studies. If that’s right, do you also think “mean”/irreconcilable values held by an individual should be thrown overboard, if some values have to be thrown overboard?
Spite strategies function collectively but are encoded in individual adaptations, e.g. green beard effect. While green beard behavior aren’t well-optimized on an individual basis, the teleology points at a collective strategy, i.e. you compress it better by assuming the gene is selfish than assuming the individuals are.
With FAI there’s an issue of incorporating many different values. My intuition is that if we are choosing one or the other, we should encode selfish-individual values and not selfish-gene values. One reason for this is that selfish-gene values are more likely to be “mean” on a way that makes them irreconcilable.
Now that I’ve looked at the Sarah Constantin link:
I’ve updated that spite strategies are more plausible than I’d thought.
It seems there’s evidence that spite strategies also happen between individuals, though I didn’t look at the actual studies. If that’s right, do you also think “mean”/irreconcilable values held by an individual should be thrown overboard, if some values have to be thrown overboard?
See the other thread about values related to adversarial games.