Time seems to go faster the older I get, and from what I’ve heard, that goes for most people. My father is 85, and he says the acceleration just continues. I’d hoped the pace would stabilize, but apparently it doesn’t. :(
For me, the acceleration continued up to maybe age 20-23 or so, after which things have gotten really slow. Still not as slow as in early elementary school, say. But yesterday feels like a long time ago, I hardly even remember last week, and events that I know happened a year ago feel more like 2-3 years away. Events 2-3 years ago feel like they are memories belonging to another person.
Time seems to go faster the older I get, and from what I’ve heard, that goes for most people. My father is 85, and he says the acceleration just continues. I’d hoped the pace would stabilize, but apparently it doesn’t. :(
For me, the acceleration continued up to maybe age 20-23 or so, after which things have gotten really slow. Still not as slow as in early elementary school, say. But yesterday feels like a long time ago, I hardly even remember last week, and events that I know happened a year ago feel more like 2-3 years away. Events 2-3 years ago feel like they are memories belonging to another person.