The breath isn’t a solid sensation, it’s made up of many smaller sensations. Some instructions suggest investigating the “start”, “middle” or “end” of the breath. Try to find the very specific part of that and generally the instructions suggest that you won’t find it because there is no such thing. Owing in the direction of impermanence.
Well, that’s where my experience departs from what everyone who writes about this says it’s going to be. My breath still exists, I still exist, everything still exists, and looking closely enough to see that they are made of parts does not dispel the wholes, any more than seeing that my computer screen is made of pixels dispels the text that I can see on it. Everything persists in adding up to normality.
I can notice when I’m getting distracted from the task at hand.
I notice when I’m overwhelmed with juggling too many things because of the way that adrenaline-feel in my body changes my breathing pattern.
I notice this sort of thing too.
There’s a lot of options of interesting things of value from studying the breath. Good books are “The Mind Illuminated” or “The Attention Revolution”.
I’ve read State Star Codex’s review of TMI, and I think that will do me. TAR might be interesting to me for the material on lucid dreaming. The rest looks like the same old.
Well, that’s where my experience departs from what everyone who writes about this says it’s going to be. My breath still exists, I still exist, everything still exists, and looking closely enough to see that they are made of parts does not dispel the wholes, any more than seeing that my computer screen is made of pixels dispels the text that I can see on it. Everything persists in adding up to normality.
I notice this sort of thing too.
I’ve read State Star Codex’s review of TMI, and I think that will do me. TAR might be interesting to me for the material on lucid dreaming. The rest looks like the same old.