I think you have fewer volatile oils, and packaging in plastic can sometimes leach out plasticizers if hot water is used to flush them, but cold pressing and overnighting is supposedly the best way.
Cory Doctorow, in Little Brother, goes on and on about making cold concentrate. You might research the cold press method.
Tea is supposed to better if you don’t heat the water to boiling, because you keep the volatile flavors in, just like low temp water bath cooking traps more flavor.
I think you have fewer volatile oils, and packaging in plastic can sometimes leach out plasticizers if hot water is used to flush them, but cold pressing and overnighting is supposedly the best way.
Cory Doctorow, in Little Brother, goes on and on about making cold concentrate. You might research the cold press method.
Tea is supposed to better if you don’t heat the water to boiling, because you keep the volatile flavors in, just like low temp water bath cooking traps more flavor.
That rather depends on the tea. As a general rule you want boiling water for black teas and sub-boiling water for green teas.