If this was a disembodied voice, not traceable to anyone present, and heard by your partner also, I’d be really freaked out. If it was just someone present asking you to turn out the lights, I’d provisionally put it down to the electricity glitching at a coincidental time,
Ah shoot, I didn’t catch the ambiguity—it was just my partner asking me to turn off the lights, which is much less weird. (I edited the post to make it clearer, thanks!)
Still, it must have had some Kabbalistic significance.
If this was a disembodied voice, not traceable to anyone present, and heard by your partner also, I’d be really freaked out. If it was just someone present asking you to turn out the lights, I’d provisionally put it down to the electricity glitching at a coincidental time,
Provisionally, because Nothing Is Ever A Coincidence.
Ah shoot, I didn’t catch the ambiguity—it was just my partner asking me to turn off the lights, which is much less weird. (I edited the post to make it clearer, thanks!)
Still, it must have had some Kabbalistic significance.