I think public concerns and protests may have an impact on the self-driving outcomes you’re predicting. And since I could not find any indication in your article that you are considering such resistance, I felt it should be at least mentioned in passing.
My intuition is that you got down voted for the lack of clarity about whether you’re responding to me [my raising the potential gap in assessing outcomes for self-driving], or the article I referenced.
For my part, I also think that coning-as-protest is hilarious.
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that was your intention (and not contribute to downvotes myself.) Cheers.
Yes the fact that coning works and people are doing it is what I meant was funny.
But I do wonder whether the protests will keep up and/or scale up. Maybe if enough people protest everywhere all at once, then they can kill autonomous cars altogether. Otherwise, I think a long legal dispute would eventually come out in the car companies’ favor. Not that I would know.
related but tangential: Coning self driving vehicles as a form of urban protest
I think public concerns and protests may have an impact on the self-driving outcomes you’re predicting. And since I could not find any indication in your article that you are considering such resistance, I felt it should be at least mentioned in passing.
Whoever downvoted… would you do me the courtesy of expressing what you disagree with?
Did I miss some reference to public protests in the original article? (If so, can you please point me towards what I missed?)
Do you think public protests will have zero effect on self-driving outcomes? (If so, why?)
This is hilarious
My intuition is that you got down voted for the lack of clarity about whether you’re responding to me [my raising the potential gap in assessing outcomes for self-driving], or the article I referenced.
For my part, I also think that coning-as-protest is hilarious.
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that was your intention (and not contribute to downvotes myself.) Cheers.
Yes the fact that coning works and people are doing it is what I meant was funny.
But I do wonder whether the protests will keep up and/or scale up. Maybe if enough people protest everywhere all at once, then they can kill autonomous cars altogether. Otherwise, I think a long legal dispute would eventually come out in the car companies’ favor. Not that I would know.