We’re talking about having a superset term in common, not implied endorsement. Yes, you have the duty to accept that your work and Lady Gaga fall under the category “human culture”, and if you want to cleave that category just so you don’t have to share it with her, you need a much better reason than politics.
We’re talking about having a superset term in common, not implied endorsement
I don’t buy it. This issue isn’t about semantics, it’s about status. You evidently disapprove of the status being granted by the academic/critical elite to certain poets relative to Lady Gaga. But as far as I can tell you haven’t confronted their reasons for preferring “high poetry” to Gaga, instead simply taking it for granted that their reasons are inadequate.
The way to argue your case is to give an example of a poem that the establishment thinks is good and that you think is bad, explain why you think it’s bad, and explain why their argument that it’s good is wrong.
Why not? Is there some sort of duty to accept the association of one’s work with Lady Gaga against one’s wishes?
We’re talking about having a superset term in common, not implied endorsement. Yes, you have the duty to accept that your work and Lady Gaga fall under the category “human culture”, and if you want to cleave that category just so you don’t have to share it with her, you need a much better reason than politics.
I don’t buy it. This issue isn’t about semantics, it’s about status. You evidently disapprove of the status being granted by the academic/critical elite to certain poets relative to Lady Gaga. But as far as I can tell you haven’t confronted their reasons for preferring “high poetry” to Gaga, instead simply taking it for granted that their reasons are inadequate.
The way to argue your case is to give an example of a poem that the establishment thinks is good and that you think is bad, explain why you think it’s bad, and explain why their argument that it’s good is wrong.
Yes, I hold those beliefs. I wasn’t advancing them in this thread, and they aren’t necessary for me to make the point I’m making in this thread.