Fortunately, there are easy experiments to impress people with. As a kid, my favorite one was laying a ruler on a table so half of it was sticking out perpendicularly, put a few layers of newspaper over the other half, and then quickly hit the exposed half downwards—and fail to knock it off the table because atmospheric pressure helped hold it down.
(At least, I think this is how it went. It was a long time ago. I’m sure there are other nifty experiments.)
Fortunately, there are easy experiments to impress people with. As a kid, my favorite one was laying a ruler on a table so half of it was sticking out perpendicularly, put a few layers of newspaper over the other half, and then quickly hit the exposed half downwards—and fail to knock it off the table because atmospheric pressure helped hold it down.
(At least, I think this is how it went. It was a long time ago. I’m sure there are other nifty experiments.)