Unquestionably, things get done a lot more by groups of people who are very much alike. Differences in opinions only tend to brake things.
The question is not whether you need people who are different in order to brake the group. The question is whether you’re in the right group to begin with. As per Kuhn, things will get done faster and better if members of the group share a lot of commonalities.
If you’re in the right group, excluding dissenters will allow you to progress faster. But if you’re in the wrong group, then you’re going to be making progress towards the wrong things.
Unquestionably, things get done a lot more by groups of people who are very much alike. Differences in opinions only tend to brake things.
The question is not whether you need people who are different in order to brake the group. The question is whether you’re in the right group to begin with. As per Kuhn, things will get done faster and better if members of the group share a lot of commonalities.
If you’re in the right group, excluding dissenters will allow you to progress faster. But if you’re in the wrong group, then you’re going to be making progress towards the wrong things.