I have a very sensitive nose and totally get where you’re coming from. I have a metal garbage can with an odor filter on the inside*, so the smell doesn’t escape unless and until I open the lid. The lingering smell after opening the lid still sometimes bothers me enough that I decide to take the bag outside, especially if I’ve recently thrown away animal products (which luckily for me isn’t that often).
*The brand I have is iTouchless, but presumably there are other brands that are metal and have odor filters without the expensive electronic lid
I have the same problem. Often, if I have food scraps I expect will smell bad, I put it into a gallon-sized ziplock bag, then close that, then put that in the trash, which I find helps (and is less gross to me than taking the whole bag of trash outside then having to replace the bin liner more frequently).
I have a very sensitive nose and totally get where you’re coming from. I have a metal garbage can with an odor filter on the inside*, so the smell doesn’t escape unless and until I open the lid. The lingering smell after opening the lid still sometimes bothers me enough that I decide to take the bag outside, especially if I’ve recently thrown away animal products (which luckily for me isn’t that often).
*The brand I have is iTouchless, but presumably there are other brands that are metal and have odor filters without the expensive electronic lid
I have the same problem. Often, if I have food scraps I expect will smell bad, I put it into a gallon-sized ziplock bag, then close that, then put that in the trash, which I find helps (and is less gross to me than taking the whole bag of trash outside then having to replace the bin liner more frequently).