I can say that I personally do not know a single person of whom proactivity comes naturally. Everybody that I know that has learned it… has had it metaphorically beaten into them—either through a parent (lots of women learn this skill from their mothers) or through their own personal failures (mainly through crying over lost opportunities only spotted in hindsight...).
If you can get started on learning this skill early… I predict that it will be of wide-ranging benefit to you in the future :)
I predict that my 2-and-a-bit remaining years of nursing school will hammer it pretty deep. And I do try to be proactive...or at least slightly more so than my classmates, so that my teachers think I am!
Yep, thats a good summation.
I can say that I personally do not know a single person of whom proactivity comes naturally. Everybody that I know that has learned it… has had it metaphorically beaten into them—either through a parent (lots of women learn this skill from their mothers) or through their own personal failures (mainly through crying over lost opportunities only spotted in hindsight...).
If you can get started on learning this skill early… I predict that it will be of wide-ranging benefit to you in the future :)
I predict that my 2-and-a-bit remaining years of nursing school will hammer it pretty deep. And I do try to be proactive...or at least slightly more so than my classmates, so that my teachers think I am!
AFAICT that’s the essence of getting better at this one. So keep doing that :)