I’m definitely not an expert, but it does sound like a few people moved the goalposts. It sounds very similar to the “AI can’t play chess” argument switching to “well, it’s not really playing chess, it’s just following rules” and then to *quietly mumbling something about it not having the True representation of chess*.
So, I agree with the core point. GPT-2 is writing! And it’s writing pretty damn well. Whatever is left has more to do with the general cognition skill than writing.
I’m definitely not an expert, but it does sound like a few people moved the goalposts. It sounds very similar to the “AI can’t play chess” argument switching to “well, it’s not really playing chess, it’s just following rules” and then to *quietly mumbling something about it not having the True representation of chess*.
So, I agree with the core point. GPT-2 is writing! And it’s writing pretty damn well. Whatever is left has more to do with the general cognition skill than writing.