It seems that my ignorance is on display here, the fact that these papers are new to me shows just how out of touch with the field I am. I am unsurprised that ‘yes it works, mostly, but other approaches are better’ is the answer, and should not be surprised that someone went and did it.
It looks like the successful Facebook AI approach is several steps farther down the road than my proposal, so my offer is unlikely to provide any value outside of the intellectual exercise for me, so I’m probably not actually going to go through with it—by the time the price drops that far, I will want to play with the newer tools.
Waifulabs is adorable and awesome. I’ve mostly been using style transfers on still life photos and paintings, I have human waifu selfie to anime art on my to do list but it has been sitting there for a while.
Are you planning integration with DeepAnime and maybe WaveNet so your perfect waifus can talk? Though you would know if that’s a desirable feature for your userbase better than I would...
On the topic, it looks like someone could, today, convert a selfie of a partner into an anime face, train wavenet on a collection of voicemails, and train a generator using an archive of text message conversations, so that they could have inane conversations with a robot, with an anime face reading the messages to them with believable mouth movements.
I guess the next step after that would be to analyze the text for inferred emotional content (simple approaches with NLP might get really close to the target here, pretty sure they’re already built), and warp the voice/eyes for emotional expression (I think WaveNet can do this for voice, if I remember correctly?
Maybe a deepfake type approach that transforms the anime girls using a palatte of a set of representative emotion faces? I’d be unsurprised if this has already been done, though maybe it’s niche enough that it has not been.
This brings to mind an awful idea: In the future I could potentially make a model of myself and provide it as ‘consolation’ to someone I am breaking up with. Or worse, announce that the model has already been running for two weeks.
I suspect that today older style, still image heavy anime could probably be crafted entirely using generators (limited editing of the writing, no animators or voice actors), is there a large archive of anime scripts somewhere that a generator could train on, or is that data all scattered across privately held archives?
Thank you for this!
It seems that my ignorance is on display here, the fact that these papers are new to me shows just how out of touch with the field I am. I am unsurprised that ‘yes it works, mostly, but other approaches are better’ is the answer, and should not be surprised that someone went and did it.
It looks like the successful Facebook AI approach is several steps farther down the road than my proposal, so my offer is unlikely to provide any value outside of the intellectual exercise for me, so I’m probably not actually going to go through with it—by the time the price drops that far, I will want to play with the newer tools.
Waifulabs is adorable and awesome. I’ve mostly been using style transfers on still life photos and paintings, I have human waifu selfie to anime art on my to do list but it has been sitting there for a while.
Are you planning integration with DeepAnime and maybe WaveNet so your perfect waifus can talk? Though you would know if that’s a desirable feature for your userbase better than I would...
On the topic, it looks like someone could, today, convert a selfie of a partner into an anime face, train wavenet on a collection of voicemails, and train a generator using an archive of text message conversations, so that they could have inane conversations with a robot, with an anime face reading the messages to them with believable mouth movements.
I guess the next step after that would be to analyze the text for inferred emotional content (simple approaches with NLP might get really close to the target here, pretty sure they’re already built), and warp the voice/eyes for emotional expression (I think WaveNet can do this for voice, if I remember correctly?
Maybe a deepfake type approach that transforms the anime girls using a palatte of a set of representative emotion faces? I’d be unsurprised if this has already been done, though maybe it’s niche enough that it has not been.
This brings to mind an awful idea: In the future I could potentially make a model of myself and provide it as ‘consolation’ to someone I am breaking up with. Or worse, announce that the model has already been running for two weeks.
I suspect that today older style, still image heavy anime could probably be crafted entirely using generators (limited editing of the writing, no animators or voice actors), is there a large archive of anime scripts somewhere that a generator could train on, or is that data all scattered across privately held archives?
What do you think?