I’m currently doing an edit pass on the entire book. I need to rewrite some of the early sections, fix some consistency issues, and generally look with fresh eyes on words I wrote months or years ago. Many of you provided helpful comments, and I’m using those to make the second draft better.
When the second draft is done, I’ll look to hire one or two editors/pre-readers, ideally from the LessWrong community, who can go through it and point out all the obvious mistakes that are still in the book, plus help me make the confusing parts clearer.
Once that’s done, I’ll be ready to publish. That might mean finding a traditional publisher who will take a chance on a monograph from an unknown author, but more likely I’ll self publish, which will give me greater flexibility to make the book available in many forms, including a free-to-read version on the web. If you have experience here, I’d love to talk to you!
And no matter how I publish, I need to build an audience to help people find and read the book. So I’m launching my Substack blog today, Uncertain Updates. My plan is to treat it like a newsletter, publishing about once a month, with updates about the book and my other writing projects.
Finally, thanks to everyone who supported me along the way to write this first draft. I appreciate all of the encouragement, critical comments, and even just letting me be when I was heads down working on a difficult section.
Fundamental Uncertainty: Epilogue
I wrote a whole book! What’s next?
I’m currently doing an edit pass on the entire book. I need to rewrite some of the early sections, fix some consistency issues, and generally look with fresh eyes on words I wrote months or years ago. Many of you provided helpful comments, and I’m using those to make the second draft better.
When the second draft is done, I’ll look to hire one or two editors/pre-readers, ideally from the LessWrong community, who can go through it and point out all the obvious mistakes that are still in the book, plus help me make the confusing parts clearer.
Once that’s done, I’ll be ready to publish. That might mean finding a traditional publisher who will take a chance on a monograph from an unknown author, but more likely I’ll self publish, which will give me greater flexibility to make the book available in many forms, including a free-to-read version on the web. If you have experience here, I’d love to talk to you!
And no matter how I publish, I need to build an audience to help people find and read the book. So I’m launching my Substack blog today, Uncertain Updates. My plan is to treat it like a newsletter, publishing about once a month, with updates about the book and my other writing projects.
Finally, thanks to everyone who supported me along the way to write this first draft. I appreciate all of the encouragement, critical comments, and even just letting me be when I was heads down working on a difficult section.
Update 2025-12-19: The book has a website.