Importantly for mentally ill people interested in disability support, if retirement is in fact cogntively harmful, then perhaps it is inappropriate to give disability pensions to those with deteriorating mental states because it might worsen their conditions. Anyone’s thoughts on this?
Would the same phenomenon be observable even after controlling for age?
I’m pretty young but I can ‘retire’ at just about any time thanks to the disability pension for mental illness. I don’t for many reasons, ranging from the fact that I can’t afford mainstream life insurance to cover mainstream cryonics in Australia yet. Another reason is that my illness might be episodic, and therefore not elegible for pension in the long term and disability payments for the mentally ill is political fraught.
Importantly for mentally ill people interested in disability support, if retirement is in fact cogntively harmful, then perhaps it is inappropriate to give disability pensions to those with deteriorating mental states because it might worsen their conditions. Anyone’s thoughts on this?