I once received a letter from an eminent logician, Mrs. Christine Ladd Franklin, saying that she was a solipsist, and was surprised that there were no others. Coming from a logician, this surprise surprised me.
Um, no. There’s more to existence than just making paperclips. As a random example, there’s also helping humans adapt to nuances of pre-2007 Microsoft Office.
There’s something terribly ironic that I can’t put my finger on, about a support group for people haunted by solipsism.
-- Bertrand Russell
Tell me about it. But surely I cannot get rid of it all alone by myself, can I?
So, when that joke went over your head, did it make a WHOOSH!, or was it more of a buzzing sound?
This snide comment does not contribute to the making of paperclips. Clippy fail.
Um, no. There’s more to existence than just making paperclips. As a random example, there’s also helping humans adapt to nuances of pre-2007 Microsoft Office.