This line of reasoning is why I put all of my Anki cards into one big “Misc” deck.
If I were to diligently organize each card by relevant content area, I’m worried that I would only be able to recall the relevant bit of information when I’ve been cued by the category. By putting all the information I want to remember in one place, it discourages compartmentalization. There are no such things as “Biology Facts” or “Geography Facts”. There is one super category: “Facts About The World”.
This line of reasoning is why I put all of my Anki cards into one big “Misc” deck.
If I were to diligently organize each card by relevant content area, I’m worried that I would only be able to recall the relevant bit of information when I’ve been cued by the category. By putting all the information I want to remember in one place, it discourages compartmentalization. There are no such things as “Biology Facts” or “Geography Facts”. There is one super category: “Facts About The World”.