For any given company, you’ll be able to get them to up their offer at least once and potentially thrice.
How do you assess when a company isn’t going to up their offer anymore? It seems hard to distinguish between “We’re saying this is our highest offer but it’s actually not” and “This is our highest offer.”
Intuition. But I found that usually if you are trying to make them up the offer and they can in any way, they will. When they say they are done, they are basically done. The only way you would ever extract more value is if you said something like: “give me 10% more than what you are offering and I’ll accept your offer right this instant.”
How do you assess when a company isn’t going to up their offer anymore? It seems hard to distinguish between “We’re saying this is our highest offer but it’s actually not” and “This is our highest offer.”
Intuition. But I found that usually if you are trying to make them up the offer and they can in any way, they will. When they say they are done, they are basically done. The only way you would ever extract more value is if you said something like: “give me 10% more than what you are offering and I’ll accept your offer right this instant.”