I’m not sure how to get to a place where we see fewer bold false claims, but a culture of giving sources, and supporting requests for them, seems like it would help?
Are there any networks on mastodon that are actually capable of maintaining the incentives, the level of accountability, that it takes, to stop spreading misinformation? Because I’m not aware of any, but [looks] a MIT instance would be a very credible candidate? Is it quite good?
I don’t really think it’s worth trying to save microblogger cultures, the microblogging format inherently encourages oversimplification, rapid spread, and it’s profoundly hostile to real conversation. Personally I’d recommend contributing to the construction of better systems like bonfire.networks instead.
Are there any networks on mastodon that are actually capable of maintaining the incentives, the level of accountability, that it takes, to stop spreading misinformation? Because I’m not aware of any, but [looks] a MIT instance would be a very credible candidate? Is it quite good?
I don’t really think it’s worth trying to save microblogger cultures, the microblogging format inherently encourages oversimplification, rapid spread, and it’s profoundly hostile to real conversation. Personally I’d recommend contributing to the construction of better systems like bonfire.networks instead.