Good point, though ebay still succeeds in the sense of providing a valuable service despite the fraud. Kibotzer should probably always remain community oriented—perhaps an existing user has to recruit you and vouch for you (and for Kibotzer) before the bet starts.
Right now I’m just focused on the value of a service like this, assuming away the trust/fraud issues. I’m confident those are ultimately solvable. People are mostly pretty decent, in my experience.
By the way, thanks everyone for all the feedback! The comments would also be a great place for pointers to other anti-akrasia tools. I mentioned already. Are there others? Anti-akrasia can be interpreted more broadly than “create new carrots and sticks”.
Good point, though ebay still succeeds in the sense of providing a valuable service despite the fraud. Kibotzer should probably always remain community oriented—perhaps an existing user has to recruit you and vouch for you (and for Kibotzer) before the bet starts.
Right now I’m just focused on the value of a service like this, assuming away the trust/fraud issues. I’m confident those are ultimately solvable. People are mostly pretty decent, in my experience.
By the way, thanks everyone for all the feedback! The comments would also be a great place for pointers to other anti-akrasia tools. I mentioned already. Are there others? Anti-akrasia can be interpreted more broadly than “create new carrots and sticks”.