I think enough people are non-reductionist/materialist to have doubt about whether a simulation can be said to have experiences. And we don’t exactly have demonstration of this at this time, do we? I mean, in the example cited, Cvilization PC games, there aren’t individuals there to have experiences (unless one counts the ai which is running the entire faction), rather there are some blips in databases incrementing the number of units here or there, or raising the population from an abstract 6 to 7. I don’t think people will be able to take simulation theory seriously until they have personal interaction with a convincing ai.
That’s probably as much an answer as I can give for any of the questsions, other than that I don’t see why we can assume that magic super computers are plausible. Related, I don’t know if I trust my intuition or reasoning as to whether an infinite simulation will resemble realty in every way (assuming the supercomputer is running equations and databases, etc, rather than actually reconstucting a universe atom by atom or something).
It feels like you’re asking me to believe that a map is the same as the territory if it is a good enough map. I know that’s just an analogy, but I have a hard time comprehending the sentence that “reality is the solution to/ equations and nothing more” (as opposed to even “reality is predictable by equations”).
This is probably not the LW approved answer, but then, I did say most people and not most LW-ers.
I don’t understand subjective experience very well, so I don’t know if a simulation would have it. I know that an adult human brain does, and I’m pretty sure a rock doesn’t, but there are other cases I’m much less certain about. Mice, for example.
I think enough people are non-reductionist/materialist to have doubt about whether a simulation can be said to have experiences. And we don’t exactly have demonstration of this at this time, do we? I mean, in the example cited, Cvilization PC games, there aren’t individuals there to have experiences (unless one counts the ai which is running the entire faction), rather there are some blips in databases incrementing the number of units here or there, or raising the population from an abstract 6 to 7. I don’t think people will be able to take simulation theory seriously until they have personal interaction with a convincing ai.
That’s probably as much an answer as I can give for any of the questsions, other than that I don’t see why we can assume that magic super computers are plausible. Related, I don’t know if I trust my intuition or reasoning as to whether an infinite simulation will resemble realty in every way (assuming the supercomputer is running equations and databases, etc, rather than actually reconstucting a universe atom by atom or something).
It feels like you’re asking me to believe that a map is the same as the territory if it is a good enough map. I know that’s just an analogy, but I have a hard time comprehending the sentence that “reality is the solution to/ equations and nothing more” (as opposed to even “reality is predictable by equations”).
This is probably not the LW approved answer, but then, I did say most people and not most LW-ers.
I don’t understand subjective experience very well, so I don’t know if a simulation would have it. I know that an adult human brain does, and I’m pretty sure a rock doesn’t, but there are other cases I’m much less certain about. Mice, for example.