I haven’t read all comments here, so this might have already been said.
First things first. SH aliens can go get a hike. Once you go into space you either abandon your morality almost altogether, or keep it, and If you keep it, you probably aren’t going to be very happy if someone would try to change it. So if you still haven’t abandoned it, you might just as well do everything in your power to stop anyone from changing it.
Now we need to figure out a way to trick SH into accepting our morality and abandoning theirs. What do we know about them? We know that they:
are technologicaly 200+years stronger than us
can’t lie
can’t perceive lies that well
want to have pleasure all the time
apparently can’t tolerate pain being anywhere in the universe
are very willing to compromise
Since they are technologicaly more advanced than we are, we can’t fight them openly. Open confrontation will end up in us being dead(or converted). What we can do, however, is information warfare.
What I propose is this:
Confessor threatens to stun/stuns pilot
humans contact SH ship. Hopefully it still haven’t moved out of the system.
we ask SH for an aproximate number of them in the universe, to better help us judge wherever their proposed solution is the best one(obviously solution should be weighted in favor of the civilisation with more people)
they can’t lie, so they tell us
HOPEFULLY we still haven’t told them how many humans are there. If we didn’t, we lie, and say that there are 10-100 more humans than SH. If we did(by telling baby-eaters), we say that that information was incorrect, and make up some reasons for sending BE wrong info.
And then we bluff, and say that if Impossible wouldn’t return, or if SH wouldn’t convert to our morality, humanity would kill every human in the most horrible and painfull way imaginable.
since SH aren’t very good with lying (and we will make sure to let pilot(if he wasn’t stunned), or someone else(like sensory) who would mostly believe this bluff speak) they should believe us, and, since they have zero leverage on us(threatening to blow up our ship wouldn’t work, for example) and they do not seem to hesitate, they should convert
I haven’t read all comments here, so this might have already been said. First things first. SH aliens can go get a hike. Once you go into space you either abandon your morality almost altogether, or keep it, and If you keep it, you probably aren’t going to be very happy if someone would try to change it. So if you still haven’t abandoned it, you might just as well do everything in your power to stop anyone from changing it. Now we need to figure out a way to trick SH into accepting our morality and abandoning theirs. What do we know about them? We know that they:
are technologicaly 200+years stronger than us
can’t lie
can’t perceive lies that well
want to have pleasure all the time
apparently can’t tolerate pain being anywhere in the universe
are very willing to compromise
Since they are technologicaly more advanced than we are, we can’t fight them openly. Open confrontation will end up in us being dead(or converted). What we can do, however, is information warfare. What I propose is this:
Confessor threatens to stun/stuns pilot
humans contact SH ship. Hopefully it still haven’t moved out of the system.
we ask SH for an aproximate number of them in the universe, to better help us judge wherever their proposed solution is the best one(obviously solution should be weighted in favor of the civilisation with more people)
they can’t lie, so they tell us
HOPEFULLY we still haven’t told them how many humans are there. If we didn’t, we lie, and say that there are 10-100 more humans than SH. If we did(by telling baby-eaters), we say that that information was incorrect, and make up some reasons for sending BE wrong info.
And then we bluff, and say that if Impossible wouldn’t return, or if SH wouldn’t convert to our morality, humanity would kill every human in the most horrible and painfull way imaginable.
since SH aren’t very good with lying (and we will make sure to let pilot(if he wasn’t stunned), or someone else(like sensory) who would mostly believe this bluff speak) they should believe us, and, since they have zero leverage on us(threatening to blow up our ship wouldn’t work, for example) and they do not seem to hesitate, they should convert
rinse and repeat for all SH civilisation