“The Ancestor’s Tale”, also by Dawkins. Might be what you’re looking for. It is basically a history of life on Earth, told backwards in time, with in-depth discussion of how and why evolution came up with new branches in the tree of life. I think of it as the applied/illustrative companion volume to the theoretical Selfish Gene. It is longer, but easier reading, and has Dawkins’ usual lucid, very well informed, smart and occasionally witty prose.
“The Ancestor’s Tale”, also by Dawkins. Might be what you’re looking for. It is basically a history of life on Earth, told backwards in time, with in-depth discussion of how and why evolution came up with new branches in the tree of life. I think of it as the applied/illustrative companion volume to the theoretical Selfish Gene. It is longer, but easier reading, and has Dawkins’ usual lucid, very well informed, smart and occasionally witty prose.