You’ll notice that lots of other people are suggesting other Dawkins books. He has written lots of books on various facets of evolution, with most exploring a new, interesting portion of the subject. (I would recommend reading them in roughly chronological order; The Blind Watchmaker is a good follow-up to The Selfish Gene.) If you’re going to stay at the popsci level, that’s where I’d stay; if you’re willing to read textbooks, that’s probably a bit better use of your time.
You’ll notice that lots of other people are suggesting other Dawkins books. He has written lots of books on various facets of evolution, with most exploring a new, interesting portion of the subject. (I would recommend reading them in roughly chronological order; The Blind Watchmaker is a good follow-up to The Selfish Gene.) If you’re going to stay at the popsci level, that’s where I’d stay; if you’re willing to read textbooks, that’s probably a bit better use of your time.