I feel like these would be more effective if standardized, dated and updated. Should we also mention gag orders? Something like this?
As of June 2024, I have signed no contracts or agreements whose existence I cannot mention.
As of June 2024, I am not under any kind of gag order whose existence I cannot mention.
Last updated June 2024. I commit to updating at least annually.
Could LessWrong itself be compelled even if the user cannot? Should we include PGP signatures or something?
I also added one to my profile!
I feel like these would be more effective if standardized, dated and updated. Should we also mention gag orders? Something like this?
Could LessWrong itself be compelled even if the user cannot? Should we include PGP signatures or something?
I like the conciseness of yours, I’ve changed mine to match.
I have also added one.