Technical: Edit the article, change the “Post to” option to LessWrong, and Submit. The comments will not be lost.
Appropriateness: I leave that to others, but the votes on my comment above suggest that seven people may think so.
If I were in your position I’d first ask for someone to do a copyedit/critique of the article just for the little nits of language and flow. (Not saying there’s a problem — polishing and second opinions are just a good idea.) And definitely get rid of the extra-wide paragraph spacing — better yet, go into HTML view and strip out any and all superfluous formatting. (I volunteer to do this if desired.)
Technical: Edit the article, change the “Post to” option to LessWrong, and Submit. The comments will not be lost.
Appropriateness: I leave that to others, but the votes on my comment above suggest that seven people may think so.
If I were in your position I’d first ask for someone to do a copyedit/critique of the article just for the little nits of language and flow. (Not saying there’s a problem — polishing and second opinions are just a good idea.) And definitely get rid of the extra-wide paragraph spacing — better yet, go into HTML view and strip out any and all superfluous formatting. (I volunteer to do this if desired.)