Which in particular do you think are learned or will decay?
(2) and (3) seem to be very hard to teach without significantly contributing to what (I intuitively consider) overall intelligence. This is also true of (5) to a certain extent, and I certainly have anecdotal evidence suggesting that teaching (5) significantly improves performance at (1)-(4).
Which in particular do you think are learned or will decay?
(2) and (3) seem to be very hard to teach without significantly contributing to what (I intuitively consider) overall intelligence. This is also true of (5) to a certain extent, and I certainly have anecdotal evidence suggesting that teaching (5) significantly improves performance at (1)-(4).
(1) and (3) are (in part) learned skills, and I don’t think that the learning involved transfers to performance on the remaining four.
I believe that my ability to do (2) and (5) has declined with age, though I have not declined much at (1) and (3) and perhaps not at all on (4).