Given how the brain works, there seems to be no pathway to experience ultimate reality directly.
If “ultimate reality” means “the process by which your brain constructs a simulation of reality” or “all of reality as constructed by your brain” then I believe there is a mechanism to experience something like this directly. Specifically, I suspect that connectome-specific harmonic waves exchange information by adjusting their resonances relative to each other. If CSHW resonance works this way and the global workspace is a low frequency harmonic wave then concentrating on a single thing for a long time ought to get different regions to sync up with each other like a room full of pendulums. This ought to increase the information exchange between them, linking together different parts of the brain that are normally separate from each other.
If “ultimate reality” means “the process by which your brain constructs a simulation of reality” or “all of reality as constructed by your brain” then I believe there is a mechanism to experience something like this directly. Specifically, I suspect that connectome-specific harmonic waves exchange information by adjusting their resonances relative to each other. If CSHW resonance works this way and the global workspace is a low frequency harmonic wave then concentrating on a single thing for a long time ought to get different regions to sync up with each other like a room full of pendulums. This ought to increase the information exchange between them, linking together different parts of the brain that are normally separate from each other.
This is a complex claim not backed by a lot of evidence. My heuristics scream pseudoscience.