Fine, replace the agents with rocks. The problem still holds.
There’s no closed form solution for the 3-body problem; you can only numerically approximate the future, with decreasing accuracy as time goes on. There are far more than 3 bodies in the universe relevant to the long term survival of an AGI that could die in any number of ways because it’s made of many complex pieces that can all break or fail.
If your future doesn’t have billions of agents, you don’t need to predict them.
Fine, replace the agents with rocks. The problem still holds.
There’s no closed form solution for the 3-body problem; you can only numerically approximate the future, with decreasing accuracy as time goes on. There are far more than 3 bodies in the universe relevant to the long term survival of an AGI that could die in any number of ways because it’s made of many complex pieces that can all break or fail.