Imagine that some Clarktech version of ourselves dedicates an entire galaxy to simulating the Milky Way. Would we have noticed by now?
Neither does the simulation need to be perfect: it only needs to be perfect wherever we actually look. This makes for a much more complex program, but might save on computing costs.
Anyway, yeah, you probably won’t get an infinite chain, but you’ll get a very long one, which leads to my second point:
A “singleton chance simulation” just means that someone randomly decided to simulate our universe in particular. This is rather unlikely.
A “dynamic equilibria of nested simulation” just means that Universe A simulates Universe B simulates Universe C which simulates Universe A, creating a descending chain that is not as dense as an immediate recursion, A->A->A.
Both these cases will contribute less possible universes than a (near-)infinite descending chain, so by eliminating the descending chain you’ve greatly decreased the probability of being in a simulation.
Imagine that some Clarktech version of ourselves dedicates an entire galaxy to simulating the Milky Way. Would we have noticed by now?
Neither does the simulation need to be perfect: it only needs to be perfect wherever we actually look. This makes for a much more complex program, but might save on computing costs.
Anyway, yeah, you probably won’t get an infinite chain, but you’ll get a very long one, which leads to my second point:
A “singleton chance simulation” just means that someone randomly decided to simulate our universe in particular. This is rather unlikely.
A “dynamic equilibria of nested simulation” just means that Universe A simulates Universe B simulates Universe C which simulates Universe A, creating a descending chain that is not as dense as an immediate recursion, A->A->A.
Both these cases will contribute less possible universes than a (near-)infinite descending chain, so by eliminating the descending chain you’ve greatly decreased the probability of being in a simulation.