The 1st of June meet up is rescheduled to the 8th of June!
We will have two streams, and sections with the same numbers will be conducted in the same time.
We will have:
Small reports about cognitive biases, for both streams.
The first stream:
Guess the incorrect argument, the game.
Alternative transhumanism, report.
Biofeedback, report.
The second stream:
Discussion and the discussion analysis.
Rational lighting, discussion.
We gather in the Yandex office, you need the first revolving door under the archway. Here is additional guide how to get there: link.
You can fill this one minute form (in Russian), to share your contact information.
We start at 16:00 and sometimes finish at night. Please pay attention that we only gather near the entrance and then come inside.
Meetup : Moscow meet up
Discussion article for the meetup : Moscow meet up
WHEN: 08 June 2014 04:00:00PM (+0400)
WHERE: Russia, Moscow, ulitsa L’va Tolstogo 16
The 1st of June meet up is rescheduled to the 8th of June!
We will have two streams, and sections with the same numbers will be conducted in the same time.
We will have:
Small reports about cognitive biases, for both streams.
The first stream:
Guess the incorrect argument, the game.
Alternative transhumanism, report.
Biofeedback, report.
The second stream:
Discussion and the discussion analysis.
Rational lighting, discussion.
We gather in the Yandex office, you need the first revolving door under the archway. Here is additional guide how to get there: link. You can fill this one minute form (in Russian), to share your contact information. We start at 16:00 and sometimes finish at night. Please pay attention that we only gather near the entrance and then come inside.
Discussion article for the meetup : Moscow meet up