Also why the fuck is my email address required? Why do weblogs do that...
To reduce the number of fake accounts (and therefore trolling and spam).
Anonymous posting (ie without a verified email address) is allowed—but can be moderated separately—and more stringently than non-anonymous accounts.
Also, if you only have one email address and set up an account and then proceed to flame/troll-bait the blog, your account (and therefore email address) can be blocked… and you will no longer be welcome to post except by going through the anonymous channel (which, as I mentioned before, will be more stringently checked).
In a perfect world ie one that did not contain trolls or flamers… such as once existed on ye ancient olde usenet (honest, there was a time when it wasn’t full of trolls!) such tactics were not required…
To reduce the number of fake accounts (and therefore trolling and spam).
Accounts were not even required on OvercomingBias. From original post:
But for purposes of overcoming bias, let us draw two morals:
This is one of the threads that were imported to lesswrong. (Perhaps we do not need to respond to trollish questions that were posted over 2 years ago. :P)
Maybe so, but the reason would have been similar… and 2008 isn’t so olde-dayes ago that accounts were unheard of on blogs. It’s only 2 years. My blog required accounts-for-posting back then ;)
To reduce the number of fake accounts (and therefore trolling and spam).
Anonymous posting (ie without a verified email address) is allowed—but can be moderated separately—and more stringently than non-anonymous accounts.
Also, if you only have one email address and set up an account and then proceed to flame/troll-bait the blog, your account (and therefore email address) can be blocked… and you will no longer be welcome to post except by going through the anonymous channel (which, as I mentioned before, will be more stringently checked).
In a perfect world ie one that did not contain trolls or flamers… such as once existed on ye ancient olde usenet (honest, there was a time when it wasn’t full of trolls!) such tactics were not required…
Accounts were not even required on OvercomingBias. From original post:
This is one of the threads that were imported to lesswrong. (Perhaps we do not need to respond to trollish questions that were posted over 2 years ago. :P)
Maybe so, but the reason would have been similar… and 2008 isn’t so olde-dayes ago that accounts were unheard of on blogs. It’s only 2 years. My blog required accounts-for-posting back then ;)
You didn’t need an account. You didn’t need to verify anything. would have worked.