Architecture of the V1 and V2 areas of the brain, which Convolutional Neural Networks and other ANNs for vision borrow heavily from, is highly geared towards vision, and includes basic filters that detect stripes, dots, corners, etc. that appear in all sorts of computer vision work. Yes, no backpropagation or weight-sharing is directly responsible for this, but the presence of local filters is still what I would call very specific architecture (I’ve studied computer vision and inspiration it draws from early vision specifically, so I can say more about this).
The way genetic algorithms tune weights in an ANN (and yes, this is an awful way to train an ANN) is very different from the way they work in actually evolving a brain; working on the genetic code that develops the brain. I’d say they are so wildly different that no conclusions from the first can be applied to the second.
During a single individual’s life, Hebbian and other learning mechanisms in the brain are distinct from gradient learning, but can achieve somewhat similar things.
Architecture of the V1 and V2 areas of the brain, which Convolutional Neural Networks and other ANNs for vision borrow heavily from, is highly geared towards vision, and includes basic filters that detect stripes, dots, corners, etc. that appear in all sorts of computer vision work. Yes, no backpropagation or weight-sharing is directly responsible for this, but the presence of local filters is still what I would call very specific architecture (I’ve studied computer vision and inspiration it draws from early vision specifically, so I can say more about this).
The way genetic algorithms tune weights in an ANN (and yes, this is an awful way to train an ANN) is very different from the way they work in actually evolving a brain; working on the genetic code that develops the brain. I’d say they are so wildly different that no conclusions from the first can be applied to the second.
During a single individual’s life, Hebbian and other learning mechanisms in the brain are distinct from gradient learning, but can achieve somewhat similar things.